Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It Brings Back Memories...

"And your life,' Katie said to Christy, 'is turning into a rather predictable romance. Girl meets boy. Boy is a dork for four years. Girl blossoms into a gorgeous woman. Boy finds his brain. Girl turns into starry-eyed mush head." -Robin Jones Gunn Is it weird that this quote brings back childhood memories? Because those books were my life for like three years, and now I'm on the re-re-rereading train. Robin Jones Gunn books feel like home to me. There is a sense of satisfaction and comfort that comes with slipping between the pages of one of her books. I've been to California, England, Italy, Spain, Oregon, Hawai'i and Switzerland through these books. I've dedicated an entire shelf on my very large book-shelf to these books. There are times that I'd be reading, and I would never know that people were talking to me or where we were because I was most definitely somewhere happier or more interesting. I hope that everyone has at least one book that feels like home to them. I don't know what I'd do or who I'd be if my best friend didn't convince me to read these books when we were in the fifth grade.

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