"No kind action ever stops within itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves." - Amelia Earhart
Several years ago, I was reading the newest release from my favorite author, Robin Jones Gunn. One of the characters had grown up in Africa. His parents worked with a missions team that built clean water wells in villages and tribes in Africa. Enthralled is the only way I can describe how I felt. Inspired, and madly in love with helping a struggle plaguing a continent.
I wanted to help this cause just like the characters in the book, but I didn't know where to begin. I logged into Facebook one day and wandered over to RJG's page. She had posted a link to a website that did work similar to what was being done in the book*. This website, Blood:Water Mission, raises money to build clean water wells in Africa. They also fund projects that help with the HIV/AIDS epidemic. With the money, they can administer treatment to help control the HIV/AIDS and prolong life in Africans struggling with the disease.
B:WM has Lemon:Aid Stands, Water Walks, 40 Days of Water, and other fundraising events. Lemon:Aid Stands are simply lemonade stands that raise money for the nonprofit. Water Walks are great for large groups or a community. Everyone gathers at a church or school lot (each carrying an empty gallon jug). The group then walks to the nearest body of water (such as a lake) and fills up their jugs. Family members and friends sponsor those who walk, and all the money raised is donated to B:WM. 40 Days of Water coincides with Lent. Instead of spending money on soft drinks, tea, coffee (yes, even Starbucks), milk, and fruit juice one drinks only water for forty days. The money saved from not buying drinks during that time is given to the mission.
One of my favorite things from Blood:Water Mission is their line of products called "I Know Someone". They sell t-shirts and wristbands. On the inside of the shirts, is the name of someone affected by HIV/AIDS. I got one of these shirts for Christmas, and it was my favorite gift of anything I've ever received. As a bonus, the shirts are soft and comfortable.
There are other nonprofits and organizations similar to Blood:Water Mission such as: People Water, Charity Water, Water for People, The Water Project, Drop in the Bucket, WaterAid, and Water.org. Not all of these sites target Africa specifically, but they do focus on providing clean water to developing nations in general.
I hope to someday visit Africa myself and help build wells. Until then, I aim to spread the word and help with fundraising. I hope you will, too.
*On A Whim by Robin Jones Gunn (Copyright 2008 Robin's Ink LLC) -Book 2 in the Katie Weldon Series
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