"Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it."- C.S. Lewis
Sometimes it seems we get caught up in the performance of everyday life, and then we forget the simple truth of it all. The truth seems so easy to forget that we must be throwing it out the window as we speed down the highway. It feels good to get back to home-the truth. It's like smelling a familiar scent again. The memories come flooding back in. Suddenly, you're yourself again, your favorite book isn't the latest Twilight installment just because that's what everyone else is reading, your favorite band has about twenty fans because its the local band that practices in the garage down the street, not Justin Bieber. Your mind's all confused because you got caught up in what everyone was saying that you don't know what to believe. Now is the time to clear your mind and realize that what you knew all along is the truth and there never should've been any confusion. I just love those moments when all is clear, but it seems that there are all too few of these encounters with the truth. I guess we all need to work a little harder at listening for the truth amongst the lies of the world.
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