Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tomorrow is Another Day

"Gravity had taken over, and I was hurtling towards the unknown, praying that it would be better than the place I just left."-Ally Carter

Today is just one of those days that will all too soon become just a blur, a fading memory from a summer that will soon blend in with all the others. I'll be confusing this road trip with another and still won't know the day that it happened. And then there's the little thing called tomorrow. Lately, I've been pondering what tomorrow will be like. I guess I'll never really know because there is no day called tomorrow. It simply doesn't exist. But I still dream of what I wish it would be. I can almost feel the breeze against my bare arms and the chill racing down my spine with the excitement of something new and unforetold. There also seems to be a yesterday, but it is bittersweet and I'd rather not cry, so that's all I will say on that. I have few regrets from the past that I will correct in the future and I must move on and live my life facing forward, not running backwards. That never ends well.

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